Deciding what will happen to your property and family after you are no longer here is a difficult topic, and many people avoid dealing with it as long as possible. Many others try to arrange their affairs on their own, or with minimal legal advice.

At Aitchison Law Office, we believe everyone, young and old, should have a will, drafted with the guidance of someone who knows what he or she is doing. Through our estate litigation practice, we've seen what can happen when there is no will, or when a will is prepared without proper legal advice. We've seen the emotional and financial damage it can cause to those left behind.

As you have children, grow older and own more complex property, it becomes more and more important to plan your estate carefully, with the help of someone who has the skill, patience and understanding to take the time to make sure that your estate plans are what you need them to be.

Experience And Dedication

With 38 years of experience in Ontario wills and estates law and years of estate litigation experience to draw on, our Oshawa wills and estates lawyer can help you create plans that will be simple for estate trustees to administer, help avoid unnecessary taxation and fees, and avoid legal disputes over your property.

Using our in-depth understanding of business succession planning, we are able to help clients with complex financial assets, especially if we are already familiar with their current financial situation through our business practice. 

As experienced family law lawyers, we are also conscious of how the Family Law Act can affect what happens to an inheritance. We can help you avoid unnecessary family conflict and protect your estate from claims from spouses or ex-spouses. As tax appeal lawyers, we can also help you avoid unnecessary taxation.

We use many different instruments in helping you plan your estate, including:

  • Wills
  • Trusts
  • Real estate property transfers
  • Powers of attorney for property and personal care
  • Business succession planning

Our firm can also advise trustees on matters of estate administration. We can also act as executors or court-appointed estate trustees during litigation.